For quite some time, I've been looking for a pair of in-ear monitors (also known as earphones). The challenge I've run into is that earphones are a highly personal choice. Everyone's ears are shaped differently, and we each perceive sound in our own way. Personally, every pair of earphones I've tried so far has been too sharp in the high frequencies and overly boomy in the low end. I'm not trying to damage my hearing! What I need is balance.
A colleague of mine from the music industry suggested I check out a brand called KZ. It turns out that KZ specializes in making in-ear monitors for on-stage musicians and performers. In fact, they’re the #1 brand for in-ear monitors globally.
I reached out to them and asked if they had any models suitable for audiophiles who aren't singers or musicians, but still want a balanced sound with no harsh highs or excessive bass. They recommended the KZ AS16 Pro X.
I ordered them and with one listen, I was blown away!
Each earpiece features 8 drivers. The high frequencies are clear, bright, sweet and incredibly smooth without any harshness. The low end is tight and defined, without being overwhelming. The clarity and detail of these in-ear monitors are remarkable, with each instrument coming through distinctly in the mix. The sound-stage feels expansive and open. The KZ AS16 Pro X are truly exceptional for their price range—something I once thought was impossible to find.
They come with a high-purity silver-plated cable for minimal signal loss. For audiophiles, high purity silver is a better conductor than gold.
Buyers keep in mind that these are In Ear Monitors (IEM's). They fit differently than what you may be used to. Also, for all in-ear monitors, the ear tips you use are extremely important in order to hear what the earphones can deliver. An improper seal will result in a total loss of bass response. Memory foam tips or silicone? The KZ AS16 Pro X comes with one medium pair of memory foam tips and 3 pair of silicone tips in S, M, L. The medium memory foam tips were perfect for me.
So, if you need or are looking for a great pair of earphones, I highly recommend the KZ AS16 Pro X for superior audio quality that will not break the bank!